
Vision for Irvine

My vision for Irvine is a safe, sustainable city where kids can walk or bike to school, and every neighborhood enjoys clean air, water, parks, and essential amenities within easy reach. We'll prioritize access to open spaces and ensure neighborhoods offer daily necessities nearby, reducing traffic and fostering community – like Irvine villages used to do.

Irvine's growing workforce demands improved transit options like trains and shuttles, along with workforce housing to shorten commutes and take cars off the road. We must also address the housing shortage, making homes affordable for families, teachers, nurses, firefighters, and young people.

  • Public safety is job one – Irvine residents deserve to be safe at home and everywhere in our community. I will advocate for a common sense approach to support our police, fire and first responders to keep Irvine safe. I will also work to improve traffic conditions to reduce response times and improve street infrastructure to make biking and walking safe city-wide.

  • High housing costs in Irvine are forcing families, teachers, nurses, and young people out of our community. Everyone deserves the opportunity to live and thrive here. Those who live in reasonably priced homes tend to earn more over their lifetime, live longer, and have children who perform better in school.

    I will work to increase the availability of starter homes and condos for purchase, giving families a chance to invest in our community and build a stable future. By making homeownership accessible, we'll strengthen our neighborhoods and keep Irvine's families together.

    The housing crisis is tied to our transportation and infrastructure needs. I will promote transit-oriented development in the Irvine Spectrum and Irvine Business Complex with mixed-use designs, placing most amenities within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. This will help provide more workforce housing while minimizing traffic impacts for current residents and protect neighborhood character. Additionally, I will expand transit routes to and from UC Irvine and Irvine Valley College to better support students in achieving their educational goals.

  • Many newer neighborhoods are far from their designated schools, leading to more traffic and congestion. I will ensure safe and accessible routes to school for all students across all grade levels by working to improve sidewalks, create protected bike lanes, and enhance crosswalks near schools. Safety for our students is non-negotiable.

  • Irvine is ranked No. 3 in the nation for education, and I recognize the importance of maintaining and improving our excellent school system. I will work closely with the Irvine Unified School District to:

    • Increase after school programs that enrich learning and support working families. 

    • Support initiatives that address student mental health and well-being.

    • Explore opportunities to expand early childhood education programs in Irvine.

    • Advocate for full funding of our schools to maintain small class sizes and support high-quality teachers.

    • Promote programs that prepare our students for the changing economy, including STEM education and vocational training.

  • According to the American Medical Association and the U.S. Department of Defense, climate change is a major threat to human health and safety, and it’s a top priority for me. Irvine residents value science and want climate action, and we can and should work now to reduce pollution. 

    I will focus on practical steps to reduce traffic, enhance safety, reduce energy bills and improve quality of life, including:

    • Supporting school bus transportation for areas that are too far for students to walk or bike.

    • Fixing gaps in our bike and pedestrian networks to reduce traffic and encourage alternative transportation.

    • Ensuring new neighborhoods are designed with schools, shopping, and parks within walking or biking distance.

    • Expanding EV charging stations, especially near apartments to support our growing electric vehicle adoption.

    • Increasing transit service to reduce traffic and connect high-value destinations such as UCI, Irvine Valley College, Irvine train station, Irvine Spectrum, and other retail centers,

    • Creating programs to help residents replace inefficient appliances with energy-efficient models and increase use of solar and energy storage.

    • Increase tree canopy to shade and cool our streets. 

  • We must take decisive action to reduce traffic accidents and protect our residents, especially our children. Every life lost on our roads is a tragedy and families should feel safe walking, biking, and driving in our city. I will champion the implementation of proven measures like improving intersections and adding protected bike lanes to make our streets safer and reduce traffic-related deaths and injuries.

  • I am running for Irvine City Council to bring community-centered solutions that improve the lives of our families and ensure city resources serve residents, not special interests. My top priorities are community health and safety, and I will maintain an open-door policy to stay connected with residents.

    I am the only candidate in this race who has never accepted campaign contributions from special interests with business before the city. As a volunteer, I have successfully led efforts to implement Irvine's non-toxic landscaping policy and a school bus pilot for University High School, and I will continue that track record of putting residents first.

  • Orange County ranks last among all 58 California counties in per-capita state funding, largely because many elected officials have not pursued available funding programs. I believe Irvine residents deserve to see more of their hard-earned tax dollars invested in our community. As a nonprofit director, I have a unique understanding of state funding programs and how to secure the resources our community deserves. I will work tirelessly to ensure Irvine receives its fair share of state funding for infrastructure, education, and community programs.